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HN/144 HN144 HN 144 Unit 5 Practice Quiz

HN 144 Unit 5 Practice Quiz   1.	Question :	Erikson states that the society in which one lives makes certain psychic demands at each stage of development, and he calls these demands:   	Student Answer:	 	  Crises   			  Requirements   			  Needs   			  Transitions     	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 2.	Question :	The following is (are) true about Erikson- stage entitled â€Å"initiative versus guilt:”   	Student Answer:		  Mastering academic skills is very important during this stage   		 	  Children in this stage often are desperately seeking intimate relationships  			  Comparison with the productivity of peers becomes very important  			  All of the above   		 	  None of the above                  	Points Received:	0 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 3.	Question :	The second stage of Erikson- psychosocial theory is characterized by the crisis of:   	Student Answer:		  Initiative vs. guilt   		 	  Autonomy vs. shame and doubt   			  Basic trust vs. basic mistrust   			  Intimacy vs. isolation                  	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 4.	Question :	The psychosocial crisis of initiative versus guilt occurs during:   	Student Answer:		  Birth to 12-18 months   			  18 months to 3 years   			  2 to 4 years   		 	  3 to 6 years   			  6 to 12 years                  	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 5.	Question :	Erikson- generativity versus stagnation stage of development occurs at:   	Student Answer:		  Adolescence   			  Young adulthood   		 	  Maturity   			  Old age                  	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 6.	Question :	Erikson uses the term psychosocial _____ to describe a period of free experimentation before a final sense of identity is achieved.   	Student Answer:	 	  Moratorium   			  Freedom   			  Interlude   			  Intermission                  	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 7.	Question :	According to Marcia- categories of identity, people who fall into the _____ category never experience an identity crisis as such — they glide into adulthood without experiencing much turbulence or anxiety.   	Student Answer:		  Oblivion   			  Moratorium   		 	  Foreclosure   			  Generativity                	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 8.	Question :	All of the following stages are included in the racial/cultural identity development model except:   	Student Answer:	 	  Moratorium   			  Resistance and immersion   			  Integrative awareness   			  Conformity     	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 9.	Question :	Which of the following is true regarding identity development of lesbian and gay adolescents:   	Student Answer:	 	  Erikson- and Marcia- theories have only limited relevance   			  Same-sex sexual behavior in adolescence cements sexual orientation  			  Lesbian and gay adolescents are encouraged to express their sexual identities  			  Erikson- and Marcia- theories are as relevant to them as they are to heterosexual adolescents    	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 10.	Question :	In stage _____ of Kohlberg- moral development, behavior is based on internal ethical principles. Decisions are made according to what is right rather than what is written into law.   	Student Answer:		  Stage 2: Naive Instrumental Hedonism   			  Stage 3: Good Boy/Girl Morality   			  Stage 4: Authority-Maintaining Morality   			  Stage 5: Morality of Contract, of Individual Rights, and of Democratically Accepted Law  		 	  Stage 6: Morality of Individual Principles and Conscience                  	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 11.	Question :	In stage _____ of Kohlberg- moral development, good behavior is considered to be what pleases others. There is a strong desire to please and gain the approval of others.   	Student Answer:		  Stage 2: Naive Instrumental Hedonism   		 	  Stage 3: Good Boy/Girl Morality   			  Stage 4: Authority-Maintaining Morality   			  Stage 5: Morality of Contract, of Individual Rights, and of Democratically Accepted Law  			  Stage 6: Morality of Individual Principles and Conscience                  	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 12.	Question :	In stage _____ of Kohlberg- moral development, laws are considered necessary; however, they are subject to rational thought and interpretation. Community welfare is important.   	Student Answer:		  Stage 2: Naive Instrumental Hedonism   			  Stage 3: Good Boy/Girl Morality   			  Stage 4: Authority-Maintaining Morality   		 	  Stage 5: Morality of Contract, of Individual Rights, and of Democratically Accepted Law  			  Stage 6: Morality of Individual Principles and Conscience     	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 13.	Question :	The personality disorder in which there is a pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and affects, and marked impulsivity is:   	Student Answer:		  Antisocial   			  Paranoid   			  Schizoid   			  Narcissistic   		 	  Borderline                  	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 14.	Question :	The personality disorder in which there is a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking is:   	Student Answer:	 	  Histrionic   			  Avoidant   			  Dependent   			  Obsessive-compulsive   			  Narcissistic                  	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 15.	Question :	Undesirable consequences of being labeled mentally ill include all of the following except:   	Student Answer:		  The label gives the labeled person an excuse for not taking responsibility for his or her actions.  			  Since there is no known â€Å"cure” for most mental illnesses, those so labeled frequently idle away their time waiting for someone to discover a cure.  			  Those so labeled may be stigmatized in the future as being dangerous and untrustworthy.  		 	  Those so labeled are generally treated with exorcism.     	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 16.	Question :	A status offense for a juvenile is:   	Student Answer:		  Murder   			  Armed robbery   			  Rape   			  Arson   		 	  Running away from home                  	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 17.	Question :	Individuals tend to join a(n) ______ gang in order to secure continued access to the drugs they use.   	Student Answer:		  Occult   			  Conflict   		 	  Retreatist   			  Criminal                  	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 18.	Question :	Treatment for an eating disorder usually has all of the following goals except:   	Student Answer:		  Reestablishment of normal weight and healthy eating behavior   			  Resolution of the psychosocial and family dynamics that led to the development of the eating disorder  		 	  Allowing the clients to remain ultra-thin   			  Provision of medical services to correct any medical problems that resulted from these eating disorders    	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 19.	Question :	Part D(b) of a rational self-analysis contains:   	Student Answer:		  Self-talk   			  Emotional consequences   		 	  Rational self-talk challenges   			  Emotional goals and behavioral goals for future                  	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 20.	Question :	Part C of a rational self-analysis contains:   	Student Answer:		  Self-talk   		 	  Emotional consequences   			  Rational self-talk challenges   			  Camera check of A                  	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 21.	Question :	The following theory of criminal activity asserts a person becomes delinquent because of the excess of definitions favorable to violation of law over definitions unfavorable to violation of law:   	Student Answer:	 	  Differential association theory   			  Anomie theory   			  Deviant subcultures theory   			  Control theory     	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 22.	Question :	The following theory of criminal activity asserts that when individuals are unable to achieve societal goals through legitimately defined channels, their respect for these channels is weakened, and then they seek to achieve the desired goals through illegal means:   	Student Answer:		  Differential association theory   		 	  Anomie theory   			  Deviant subcultures theory   			  Control theory     	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 23.	Question :	_____ is a condition in which the acceptance of the approved standards of conduct is weakened.   	Student Answer:		  Differential association   		 	  Anomie   			  Homeostasis   			  Entropy     	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 24.	Question :	The _____ theory asserts that some groups have developed their own attitudes, values, and perspectives that support criminal activity.   	Student Answer:		  Differential association theory   			  Anomie theory   		 	  Deviant subcultures theory   			  Control theory     	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:	    Question 25.	Question :	The _____ theory suggests that the weaker the social bonding, the greater the likelihood that an adolescent will become involved in delinquent gang activities.   	Student Answer:		  Differential association theory   			  Anomie theory   			  Deviant subcultures theory   		 	  Control theory     	Points Received:	2 of 2  	Comments:                      


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03 Nov 2016

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