How to Upload an Excel File to Bullhorn

Ideally, when you advertise an open up part, jobseekers find your advertising, get excited and apply. Y'all receive their applications and, just like that, your hiring process has officially begun. But the process isn't always so linear. Sometimes, you need to add together candidates to your database or recruiting software manually.

Need to get resumes into your Workable account?

In some cases, you may demand to import candidates or resume databases into your Workable account. Hither are some of the most common scenarios:

  • Transfer data from your previous ATS. If y'all're new to Workable, information technology's possible yous were previously using spreadsheets, folders or a legacy organisation to store candidate data. If this data is even so valid, it's easy to upload it to Workable to continue moving the best candidates through the hiring pipeline or build up relationships via the Talent Pool. Note: if you're moving old candidate data into Workable, and you're based in the Eu, at present is a great time to clean upwards your database to gear up for the GDPR.
  • Add potential candidates to your recruiting pipelines. Sourcing candidates is a big part of hiring. In addition to job posting, you tin can use referrals or actively look for potential candidates on and offline to make full your open roles. Once you detect people who might be a skilful fit, it's useful to keep their information in one place: the recruiting pipeline for the role. This manner, y'all'll be able to share their details with your hiring team and start gathering feedback earlier you progress them on to the side by side phase in your hiring process.
  • Store candidate data for future job openings. It'due south easier to collaborate with your hiring squad when y'all tin can upload the information they demand to a shared arrangement. Workable'due south Talent Pool helps hiring teams collaborate and nurture candidate relationships over time. With trackable communication on the candidate's profile, it makes information technology easy to run across who was near recently in touch, whether or non the candidate is bachelor and the types of roles that involvement them.

How to add or import candidates into Workable

Whether you lot desire to upload resumes in bulk or individually, Workable offers solutions that volition help y'all import data rapidly and deeply:

i. Migrate data: Apply this option when you need to import candidate data from a spreadsheet or a prior system. We offer detailed instructions and templates to help yous organize your data in Excel, CSV or Google Sheets. If the data is formatted in a compatible style, our support squad volition import this and create candidate profiles for you lot. If your needs are more than complex, just contact us to adjust a Custom Import.

2. Upload resumes (individually or in majority): Select all the candidate resumes you want to upload from your calculator and add them to Workable with a uncomplicated drag-and-drop. We'll do all the heavy lifting, parsing resumes to create rich candidate profiles automatically. Depending on the information available in the resumes, Workable will excerpt the following details:

  • Candidate name
  • Contact details (e.1000. email addresses and phone numbers)
  • Links to social media accounts
  • Contour picture

The profiles are automatically generated simply editable, allowing you to replace outdated information or add more than information. Here's a quick video that explains pace-by-step how to upload resumes to your Workable account.

Note that you can add candidates at any stage of the hiring process. For example, if you lot've pre-screened candidates who were not already in your database, you tin add them straight to the Interview stage for any open job.

Not using Workable yet? Request a demo to larn how you can improve your hiring procedure with our all-in-one recruitment software. Find out more nearly switching from spreadsheets or an old ATS to Workable.

three. Add a candidate manually: If you've met someone you consider to be a potential candidate at a conference or an result, you can create a candidate contour using but their proper noun and/or email accost. Storing their details in Workable makes information technology easy to reach out and build a relationship, while keeping track of your communication in one place. As you get more details about the candidate, just update or edit their profile with the latest data.

4. Email candidates' information straight to Workable: Each chore yous create in Workable has a unique mailbox. When you send resumes to this electronic mail address, they'll get direct to the job pipeline, creating new candidate profile automatically.

To save fourth dimension, attach multiple resumes to one electronic mail. Workable will parse each file and
create individual candidate profiles.

5. Refer candidates: Whether you're a hiring team member or non, you can refer candidates straight through Workable. Log into your Workable account, locate the position for which you want to make a referral and make full in the candidate's name or email accost. People Search volition scan multiple online sources, get together information about the candidate's career history and contact details and automatically create a candidate profile. You can then manually add together whatever information that might be useful, including comments nigh the candidate (e.g. why y'all call back they'd be a good fit for the role.)

Find out more about how to make a referral using Workable.

6. Create candidate profiles using People Search: Workable's sourcing tool, People Search, scours the spider web to find resumes, online portfolios, social and professional profiles and contact information, based on your criteria (e.g. proper name, location or specific skill set.) The data gathered from multiple sources will be organized into i profile per candidate. You lot tin add together these profiles to your hiring pipelines and communicate with candidates.

At present that your candidate information is stored in ane place, it's easy to collaborate with candidates and your hiring squad. Employ Workable'south bulk email and comment functions to create a seamless hiring procedure and a positive candidate experience.


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